A synchronised swimming routine combines a series of elaborate moves in the water, accompanied by music. Swimmers use gelatin to set their hair in place and secure it with hair grips. A headpiece is worn to match a sparkly/themed costume.
Athletes perform routines that can be anything from two and a half minutes to five minutes long, depending on whether they perform alone or part of a team. The different types of routines are:
SOLO - Performed by 1 swimmer and they need to be synchronised with the music.
DUET - Performed by 2 swimmers.
TEAM - Performed by a minimum of 4 swimmers, but up to 8 swimmers.
- In the Team event, clubs lose points for every swimmer under the full complement of 8. This is because it is harder to synchronise with more swimmers
COMBINATION TEAM or "COMBO" - Performed by a minimum of 4 swimmers, but up to 10 swimmers.
- During a Combo routine, there are sections whereby a solo, duet or trio of swimmers can breakaway from the "pack" to be highlighted.
Solos, Duets and Teams can also be distinguished as TECHNICAL routines or FREE routines.
The main difference is that a TECHNICAL routine is shorter and there are required elements that need to be performed throughout the routine. Most of the routine is completely synchronised unless a cadence or feature (aka lift) is required. A FREE team means that all swimmers do not have to be synchronised the whole time allowing for more artistic "freedom" whereby more than one feature can be performed.
If you want to read a little bit more about Synchro Routines, click HERE
Lenka x
Athletes perform routines that can be anything from two and a half minutes to five minutes long, depending on whether they perform alone or part of a team. The different types of routines are:
SOLO - Performed by 1 swimmer and they need to be synchronised with the music.
DUET - Performed by 2 swimmers.
TEAM - Performed by a minimum of 4 swimmers, but up to 8 swimmers.
- In the Team event, clubs lose points for every swimmer under the full complement of 8. This is because it is harder to synchronise with more swimmers
COMBINATION TEAM or "COMBO" - Performed by a minimum of 4 swimmers, but up to 10 swimmers.
- During a Combo routine, there are sections whereby a solo, duet or trio of swimmers can breakaway from the "pack" to be highlighted.
Solos, Duets and Teams can also be distinguished as TECHNICAL routines or FREE routines.
The main difference is that a TECHNICAL routine is shorter and there are required elements that need to be performed throughout the routine. Most of the routine is completely synchronised unless a cadence or feature (aka lift) is required. A FREE team means that all swimmers do not have to be synchronised the whole time allowing for more artistic "freedom" whereby more than one feature can be performed.
If you want to read a little bit more about Synchro Routines, click HERE
Lenka x